Thursday, September 12, 2019

Science Blog #4: Phobia

I was always someone that enjoyed science quite a bit as a child. I always had an interest in environmental science and the natural world. There was nothing in science that really made me scared of it. One thing that kind of turned me off from it was the math that became part of it, and I could say I have a phobia of that. There were also certain things in my science academia that I wasn't entirely comfortable with, including dissecting fish in marine biology, and observing a cows heart when I was in elementary school. Already being tactile defensive, these kinds of things were not my favorite. 

What am I really afraid of?? 

Snakes: Serpentes  Ophidiophobia 

Children's Literature 

Children's literature is a great way for children to understand something before they are afraid of it. These resources would have been useful for me as a child! 

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