Monday, September 30, 2019

Blog #11: The Human Body

                                                               Extension Activities 


Activity #1: Interactive Discussion

One child can wear this human body apron while the other children and teacher point to and discuss which parts are which and what those parts actually do.

Activity #2: Place Them

The teacher can hand out all the various parts of the body to children while one child wears the apron. The children can then be responsible for finding where the parts go, and placing them on the apron. 

Activity #3: Stethoscope Practice 

Children can practice using the stethoscope! Children can use it while "listening"to various parts of the body such as the heart and lungs. 

Activity #4: School Nurse Visit

Let's have a visit from our school nurse! She can talk about all of these parts of the body with the children, along with talk about all the healthy foods that give it energy! 

Children's Books


Here is a picture of actual human lungs! 

Let's learn more about our heart!

Let's take a lot at what our bodies need for nutrition! 

Blog #10: Animals

                                                                  Extension Activities 

                                                                 Activity #1: Deer Skull

Children can investigate a deer skull! Children can guess what animal they think it might be, and use descriptive language to talk about what it feels like and looks like. After children discover that it is a deer skull, they can look up pictures of actual deer, and take measurements.

Activity #2: Turkey Feet 

Children can investigate an actual turkey foot! This is a perfect opportunity for children to explore various parts of animals and what those parts are used for. Children can look up actual pictures of turkeys and compare it with the turkey foot in front of them. They can also describe what they are feeling! 

Activity #3: Owl Pellets

Children can explore owl actual owl pellets up close! This activity allows children to practice using scientific materials, and it opens a conversation about the food chain. Children can investigate and draw their findings, which also helps with their fine motor skills as they use tweezers. 

Activity #4: Skeleton X-Rays

Children can look at various different animals x-rays. This activity gives children the opportunity to compare and contrast the different animals that they see. Children get to match animals to the x-ray that best fits! 

Children's Books


This is an actual x-ray of a turkey! This allows us to see the tissue and bone of the animal. 

Let's see an actual herd of animals running! Mesmerizing... 

For laughs! Panda's can eat up to 20-40 pounds of bamboo a day! 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Science BLog #9: Seeds and Plants

                                                   Seeds and Plants Extended Activities
                                                        Activity #1: Lima Bean Study
Children can investigate changes in lima beans in this lima bean study. Children can sort out lima beans and use descriptive language to talk about what their lima bean is like. They can sketch their beans too. After children have a strong sense of what their lima bean is like, they will put them in water and wait to see the changes that occur!

Activity #2: Root View Box

Children can observe and investigate the life cycle of plants in a root view box. They can draw the changes that they see over time, and put it in their science journal to track. 

Activity #3: Interactive Plant Cycle Board

Children can participate in an interactive board that displays  the life cycle of a plant. This would allow children to be up off their feet and actually identifying the various phases. This could go along with the root view activity. Whatever phase the plant is in at that time, children could then identify on their interactive board! 

Activity #4: Planting Seeds

Children can actually plant seeds at their school! They can be their own scientists as they plant a seed and learn what it needs to grow and flourish. Children can also begin practicing using various tools that they would need, including a watering can and small shovels if needed. 

Children's Literature

Here are some children's books that can extend learning of plants and seeds! 


Let's see the growth of a sunflower! 

This is a microscopic picture of a dandelion seed. 

Let's see our lima beans grow! 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Science Blog #7: Nature Connections September

Activity #1: My Nature Notes

With my nature notes, I was able to make keen observations on the time of day, where I was, what the temperature and weather was, and more. On this particular day, the air was crisp and clear, and the sun was shining bright. The breeze felt cool but the sun felt warm, and leaves were beginning to fall on the ground. The moon phase is at the Waning Gibbous, which occurs right after a full moon, and the sun is setting at 6:43 PM, which makes me think of all the daylight lost. 

Activity #2: Take a Night Walk 

For this activity, I took a walk down to the Sandy River. This was a particularly special walk because the entire time I walked in the woods I could hear an owl hooting above. This made me feel close to such a majestic animal, one that I don't often see or hear. It was very dark on the pathway to the woods, but once I made it out to the Sandy River it felt significantly more bright because of its openness. There were lots of frogs croaking, and the stars were clear. 

Activity #3: Go on a Nature Quest 

For this activity, I did a nature quest using my senses to see what I could find outside! All of the things that I found on my quest gave me clues that September was in the air. Some of the things that I found were leaves blowing in the breeze, squirrels collecting food for the winter, and corn on a strip of road. I also drew a picture of leaves because that's what stood out most to me during this quest. 

Extension Activity #1: September Scavenger Hunt

Children could go on a scavenger hunt to look for things that they might find outside in the month of September. Before the scavenger hunt, they could brainstorm the things they think they might find this time of year, and then they could go out in nature to find them! 

Extension Activity #2: Corn Maze 

During this time of year, there is a corn maze held in Farmington. There is a larger corn maze and then one that is smaller for children. This trip could be a perfect way for children to be immersed in the month of September as they investigate the corn crop and get outside time! 

Activity #3: Leaf Painting

Children could go on a walk outside and collect leaves that have fallen off trees and changed over. They could then use these leaves to create an open-ended painting, as they use the leaves to paint with. 

Activity #4: Observe and Create

Children could take a quiet moment to go outside, find a place to sit or stand, and draw what they see, hear, or smell. This allows children to use their senses and become intentional observers in the season. When everyone is back inside, each child can talk about what they created. 

Children's Literature


A special picture of our town Farmington, Maine in the Fall. 

Let's see what our furry friends are up to before the Winter season! 

A beautiful picture of the full Harvest Moon, a moon we can find in the month of September!